Dr. Tagam Dabi
March 27, 2024 2024-03-27 10:40Dr. Tagam Dabi

Dr. Tagam Dabi (M.A, NET, M.Phil. & Ph.D)
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
- 9862388841, 9402854255
- bogamdabi@gmail.com
- Ph.D. in Economics (2021): Rajiv Gandhi University, Doimukh
- M.Phil.in Economics (2014): Rajiv Gandhi University, Doimukh
- M.A.in Economics (2012): Rajiv Gandhi University, Doimukh
- Assistant Professor, Don Bosco College, Jollang, Itanagar from 19/10/2021 to 02/12/2023 (Two Years)
- Assistant Coordinator, Don Bosco College, Jollang, Itanagar from 19/10/2021 to 02/12/2023 (Two Years)
- Programme Officer, Don Bosco College, Jollang, Itanagar from 19/11/2022 to 02/12/2023
- AssistantProfessor, Arunodaya University, Lekhi (A.P) from 05/11/2020 to 18/10/20211 (One Year)
- Counsellor, DistanceEducation,Rajiv Gandhi University(A.P) from 10/12/2018 to 30/11/2022 (Five Years)
- Assistant Professor, Govt. ModelCollege Seppa, East Kameng District(A.P) from 22/08/2016 to 31/08/2017 (One year)
- Guest Lecturer, Arunachal Law Academy, Naharlagun, A.P from 01/01/2016 to 20/08/2016 (Eight Months)
- Technical Assistant, IQAC office at Rajiv Gandhi University, from 05/08/2015 to 20/10/2017 (Two Years)
Research Interests
Agricultural Economics, Environment and Rural Development
Publications (Recent 5)
Chapters in Books:
- Rural Livelihood on Arunachal Pradesh- An Analytical study, India/North East India: Issues, Dynamics and Emerging Realities, EBH Publishers, 2020, ISBN: 9789388881883.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
- Implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act(MGNREGA) in East Siang District ofA.P, the Brahmaputra Rhythm of the Promises Vol-XFeb.,2016 pp.7-10, Don Bosco Institute of
Management,Guwahati,2016, ISSN: 2278-246X. - Nature and Composition of Rural Non Firmin (Undivided) Sonitpur District of Assam An Empirical Study, Nature and Composition of Rural Non Firm in (Undivided) Sonitpur District of Assam-An Empirical Study, pp.36-44,
Principal,HaflongGvernment College, Haflong, 2016,Vol II ISSN2454-1451. - Livelihood Diversificationand Dependency on common-property forest Resources of Rural Arunachal Pradesh-An Empirical Study,195-209.
- Nature and Composition ofRuralNon Firmin(Undivided)SonitpurDistrictofAssamAn EmpiricalStudy, ESTIA (A MultidisciplinaryAnnual ResearchJournal)Vol-II,May, 2016, pp.36-44, Principal,HaflongGvernment College, Haflong, 2016,Vol II
Seminars/Conferences Participated (Recent 5)
- Presented a paper entitled as “Indigenous Art and Craft- A Socio- Economic Pursuit of Bokar Tribe of Arunachal Pradesh” in three days International Seminar on
Perspectives on North-east India: Way Forward from 26th – 28th April, 2023 organised by RGURSF, RGU. - Participated in Two Days national Seminar on India/North East India: Issues Dynamics and Emerging Realities held on 18th and 19th March, 2019 and Presented a paper entitled “Rural Livelihood Strategies in Arunachal Pradesh”, organized by RGURSF and AITS, RGU
- Participatedin20thAnnualConferenceofNorth
Eastern Economic Association (NEEA), 8 th& 9th March,2019, organized by Department of Economics, DibrugarhUniversity, Assam. - Participated and presented in 17th AnnualConference of North Eastern Economic Association(NEEA),30th–31stMarch,2015,organizedbyDepartmentofEconomics, Rajiv GandhiUniversity,ArunachalPradesh.
- ParticipatedandpresentedinInternationalSeminaron“ Ethnicity, Livelihoods and Culture ChangeamongtheHimalayanPeople: Anthropology and beyond”, 23rd 24thSeptember,2019, OrganizedbyDepartmentof Anthropology, RajivGandhiUniversity.
- Participated and presented in National
Seminar on“FinancialInclusion:issues and challenges”,29-30thApril2014,Departmentof Commerce, Rajiv Gandhi University, ArunachalPradesh. - ParticipatedandpresentedinDepartmentalseminar on
“PovertyAlleviationProgrammeinIndia:ADevelopmentPerspective”,18thNovember,2009, organizedby Department of Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru College:Pasighat.
- Participated in 20th Annual Conference of NorthEastern Economic Association (NEEA), organizedbyDepartmentofEconomics,DibrugarhUniversity,Assam, 8th-9th March, 2019.
- Participated in 20th Annual Conference of NorthEastern Economic Association (NEEA), organizedbyDepartmentofEconomics,DibrugarhUniversity,Assam.
- Participated in One week Workshop on Introduction to Time Series, Department of Economics, RGU, 12th to 22nd December, 2017
- Participated in “Capacity Building Workshop
onEcology,SocietyandDevelopmentinNorthEastIndia:ConceptsandMethods”,Rajiv GandhiUniversity,ArunachalPradesh, 21th
– 24th September,2015 - Participated in 17th Annual Conference of NorthEastern Economic Association(NEEA),organizedbyDepartmentofEconomics,RajivGandhiUniversity,A
runachalPradesh, 30th–31stMarch, 2015 - Participatedin Eleven days workshop
on“CourseonSociologyofLabourandGlobalization”,organizedbyV.VGiriNationalLab our Institute, Noida, 19th
– 30th January,2015 - Participatedintwoweekworkshopon“Econometrics-practice and research”,
ersity,ArunachalPradesh, 15th
– 24thDecember2014. - Participated in Two week workshop on Econometrics- Practice and Research for
faculty and Researchers organized by CDS, Department of Econometrics RGU held
during 24th March to 28th March, 2015.
- ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship, Ministry of HRD, New Delhi from 01/02/2018 to
Membership in Academic Bodies/Organizations
- Permanent member in NEEA.