PG Courses

Master of Arts in Social Work

Master of Arts in Social Work

Course Structure of M.A. in Social Work programme


Paper CodeTitle of the paperCredit HoursContact hours
MSW-C: 401Social Work – Nature and Development 440
MSW-C: 402Society and Development 440
MSW-C: 403Health, Psychology and Social Work440
MSW-C: 404Working with Communities440
MSW- C: 405Concurrent Fieldwork-1 with Viva-voce660


Paper CodeTitle of the paperCredit HoursContact hours
MSW-C: 406Working with Individuals 440
MSW-C: 407Working with Groups 440
MSW-C: 408Social Work  Research440
MSW-C: 409Social Welfare, Administration and Social Action440
MSW-C : 410Concurrent Fieldwork-2 with Viva-voce660


Paper CodeTitle of the paperCredit HoursContact hours
MSW-C: 501Integrated Social work, Social policy and Social Legislation 440
MSW-DE: 502Rural Community Development440
MSW-DE: 503Community health and Social Work440
MSW-DE: 504Family Centered Social Work440
MSW- DE: 505Child Rights and Child Protections440
MSW-DE: 506Human Resource and Project Management440
MSW- DE: 507Research Project Part-A440
MSW-OE: 508Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS440
MSW-OE: 509Gender and Development440
MSW-OE: 510National Service Scheme (NSS) and Youth Development440
MSW-C: 511Concurrent Field Work-3 and Viva-voce660

(DE-Discipline specific elective, student has to opt any two. OE- Open Elective for students of other discipline, has to opt only paper)


Paper CodeTitle of the paperCredit HoursContact hours
MSW-C: 512Social Work and Tribal Development440
MSW-DE: 513Community Development440
MSW-DE: 514Community Health and Counseling440
MSW-DE: 515Social Work with youth440
MSW- DE: 516Social work with older persons440
MSW-DE: 517Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare440
MSW- DE: 518Research Project-B440
MSW-OE 519Ecology and Disaster Management440
MSW-OE 520Disability Studies440
MSW-OE 521Block Fieldwork with Viva-voce660
MSW-C  522Internship for four weeks440
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